Oil Painting Workshop with Julie Crews
Painting Small: Exploration and Freedom Through Simplification
2 Day Workshop August 23 & 24
9:30am – 12:30pm, 1:30pm– 4:30pm
Alla Prima painting, direct, or wet into wet painting, is a single-session painting practice that teaches you to be present in every brush stroke, focusing only on the essentials, ultimately teaching you how to “say the most with the least”. In all subject matter, Julie will challenge you to correctly observe and simply record the fundamentals: shapes, values, edges and color. We will also discuss good design and the usage of photography as reference in painting, reviewing technology’s limitations and advantages. We will explore the relationships between intended mood and palette.
Demonstrations will be held daily. Julie will provide one-on-one critique throughout the workshop.
About the Instructor:
Julie Crews is a representational painter raised in Asheville, North Carolina now based in Huntsville, Alabama. She graduated from Brigham Young University- Idaho in 2007 and in 2015 she was the Grantee of a $3000 Works in Progress Louisiana Grant. Publications include Studio Visit Magazine, Manifest Gallery International Painting Annual, Create! Magazine, American Art Collector. She enjoys sharing her vibrant energy and speaking at her solo exhibitions and has been included in over 50 group and juried exhibits nationwide. She splits her time between preparing for upcoming shows and managing a busy household.
List of materials:
Please bring the following colors (or your preferred substitute) plus any additional colors you enjoy. You can always depend on Grumbacher Artist Pre-tested:
White (Titanium)
Payne’s Grey or Black (Ivory or Mars) Yellow Ochre
Burnt Sienna Burnt Umber Ultramarine Blue
Cadmium Red light Alizarin Crimson Cadmium Yellow Medium Cadmium Yellow Light
Suggested additional colors (optional):
Phthalo Blue (Green shade if indicated) Dioxazine purple
Pryolle Orange or Cadmium Orange Raw Umber
Manganese Blue
Brushes: A set of brushes suitable for oil, bristle or synthetic. A mixture of sizes, and shapes. Brights, rounds, any favorites.
Metal Palette Knife
Palette: Disposable palette, wooden, or glass. Your preference.
Small hard panels will be provided
Journal or sketchbook to take notes
Rags or Paper Towels (blue shop towels work well and are a personal favorite) Containers with lids for solvent
Painting medium and metal palette cups
Paint clothing. What do you get if you don’t wear paint clothes? More paint clothes.
Nitrile gloves: Keeps hands clean and you can buy them at any hardware store. This is completely optional. I know messy painters that always use these, but I don’t like how my hands get sweaty so I don’t use them.
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